Not In The News

China collects rare earth minerals
There was a very good article published by Jonathan Benson, a staff writer for  The title of this article is "China stockpiles tens of thousands of tons of rare earth minerals."  Now, the title alone tells you everything you need to know.  However, in the article the author points out some things that if you think about it, are pretty scary.  I would encourage you to read this article it is excellent.
People, China is on its way to becoming the next superpower.  Because these earth minerals are being bought up, your standard of living is going to decline.  Prices on goods coming from China, are going to skyrocket.  Just take a look around your home and count how many of those products are manufactured in China.  Surprise, surprise!
According to a new report just published in the February 2011 issue of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, youngsters subjected to tonsillectomy, with or without the removal of their adenoids (adenoidectomy), are at increased risk for becoming overweight after the operation.

Hemp is a natural food product often at times mistaken as Marijuana.  However, Hemp is not Marijuana and Marijuana is not Hemp.  Hemp is a very resourceful, nutritious food that has been suppressed by the U.S. governement.