Healthy Products Review

Herpes and HPV Detox

Is there such a thing as a "cure," for herpes? Do the products people sell, claiming to cure Herpes, really work? If you are someone who is looking for the answers to those questions, then this article may very well change your life.

There is such a thing as a cure for Herpes, and when I say "cure," I mean something that will help your body eliminate, eradicate, and get RID of the Herpes virus. In fact, not only is there a cure for Herpes, there are several. I will reveal one of those cures in this article. First, you need to understand how things work.

The only reason you are hearing people say "There is no cure for Herpes," is because of the definition of the word "Cure." Most people are familiar with the FDA's definition of a cure as being a drug or surgical procedure, when the actual definition of a cure is something that is a complete or permanent solution or remedy. Since there is no drug or surgical procedure to cure Herpes, many people believe that a cure for Herpes does not exist. Trust me folks, nothing could be further from the truth.

From early childhood up until your an adult, your body is about 75 to 80% water (H2O). From Adulthood on, it changes to approximately 60 to 65% for men and 50 to 60% for women, on a good day. One third of that water is oxygen, the key element. The reason you are sick, the reason you have a disease, the reason you are stressed, is because you are deficient in oxygen. Your body has a lack of oxygen. You can live for weeks, sometimes months without food. You can live for maybe a few days without water. You can only live for about 10 minutes without oxygen, that is, if your brain doesn't die in 9.
Now that you understand the importance of oxygen, understand that about 8 out of 10 of you has some form of the Herpes virus. If you have ever had just one cold sore, if you have ever had a pimple on your butt, or the back of your legs or back, you got it. It does not matter what form the virus is in, they are all anaerobic organisms that thrive in acidic environments that lack OXYGEN. Understand that oxygen is your first line of defense against everything. When you get upset, frustrated, or stressed, doesn't taking a nice deep breath help relax those nerves instantly. Doesn't drinking a lot of water hydrate you and make everything in your body just work better. Its the oxygen. Once you raise the oxygen levels in your body, you create a alkaline, oxygen rich environment that NO disease can thrive in. Oxygen therapy kills the virus, in fact, oxygen therapy kills ALL viruses.

There is another cure for herpes and all viruses that is actually a combination of minerals that enter the cells in the body and literally drag out and kill the virus.

You have a choice, you can either try and live with the virus taking all types of prescription and non-prescription drugs, making matters worse as the virus slowly chews away at your DNA causing fatigue, irritability, lack of energy, hair loss, bad nails, bad breath, bad skin, joint pains, the list goes on and on. Or look further into the two methods I have just discussed.

You need to get the virus out, you absolutely NEED to get rid of the virus. I just mentioned two methods to do it effectively. Do your own research and find out the truth about these methods of curing Herpes.

You have a right to know what works, and you have a right to live disease free. If you choose to put your life in the hands of someone else, you give up those rights. However, if you are empowered by this knowledge, take action!

The Morrocco Hair Care and Regrowth System

Recently, I was introduced to a new hair care and regrowth system for both men and women of all hair types. It is 100% Organic. It is raw. It is Vegan. The system is a series of products that are completely natural and environmentally friendly. None of these products have ever been tested on animals. They are 100% chemical free and safe for the entire family including babies.

So what makes this hair care system different from other natural hair care products? 

Well, quite frankly, most of the other hair care products that are on the market ARE CRAP!

That's right! Many of the natural hair care products that you find at your local drug store or hair supply shop are loaded with toxic chemicals, dies, fillers, and poisons. They load the body with toxins and cause a whole host of problems. Understand that anything you put on your skin or in your hair is absorbed into your body, so if you can't eat it, you should avoid using it. Think about it, what do you think would happen if you were to drink a bottle of Herbal Essence Shampoo or Rogaine?

So why would you put those types of products on your skin and hair?

Perhaps shopping for your hair care products at your local Whole Foods or Health Food store sounds like a good idea, you may find a product that is HALF as good, but nothing that comes even close.

Your best bet would be to find a more natural, organic product online. However, many of the natural, organic hair care products you find online are made with sub-par ingredients, fillers, fragrances and are just not at the quality you would expect.

This hair, face, and body care system was developed by Anthony Morrocco, after 40 years of research and experimentation. Trust me folks, there is nothing else like the Morrocco method.

The One Minute Cure

Dear Friends,

When I first came across this website that talks about a one-minute cure for virtually all diseases. Believe me, I know how you feel because I felt the same way, but now I want to show you what I found. The real deal -- I'm convinced! This one-minute cure is an awesome therapy that most people will never know about because powerful enterprises, cartels and agencies whose financial interests are threatened by it are keeping this info from reaching the general public. But today, you'll find out how to use this astonishing cure they don't want you to know about to heal yourself and your loved ones of disease -- and *prevent* yourself from getting any disease as well.

Did you know … that there’s a simple therapy that has been *scientifically proven* to prevent and CURE virtually all diseases – from minor ones like the flu to “incurable” and life-threatening ones like cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer’s Disease? This one-minute therapy, which *anyone* can easily self-administer at home, is being deliberately suppressed in the U.S. It’s important that you learn this simple therapy as soon as you can --before it’s BANNED by enterprises, pharma-cartels and agencies whose incomes are affected by the dissemination of this information.

Take charge of your life TODAY and learn the truth about the one minute cure.

Hemp USA

"Isn't Hemp the same thing as Marijuana?"

First of all, Hemp is NOT Marijuana. It can NOT be used as a drug and it is NOT psychoactive. You can NOT "Get high" from Hemp!

Now that I have made that clear let me say this: The U.S. government is the only government in the world that does not permit the production of Hemp. WHY?

Hemp is the best source of biomass that can produce methane, methanol, and GASOLINE, cheaper and cleaner than petroleum.

Hemp is nutritious, it contains ALL Amino Acids, and it has ALL Essential Fatty Acids. It is high in protein, Potassium, magnesium, digestive enzymes, B-vitamins, fiber, and cellulose. One acre of Hemp can produce enough paper as 4 acres of trees. The paper made from Hemp can also resist decompostion and is one of the longest lasting forms of paper produced.

This is a miracle food that is inexpensive to produce and purchase. It has tremendous health benefits and disease-curing factors.

You need to learn more about this incredible plant, its uses, and its benefits. is, in my opinion, has the widest variety of Hemp products and the best source for Hemp products on the market today. Banner 486

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt


A Pinch Of Salt

What if I told you that Salt could normalize your blood-pressure.  What if I also told you that not only can salt improve your circulation, but it can eliminate toxins and help fight off viruses such as herpes.

First you have to understand that salt is vital and essential for bodily functions.  You need it!  Without salt you would die.  It is essential for regulating blood-pressure, electro-conductivity in the cells,  detoxification, and many other vital functions.  Salt contains 80 plus trace minerals that the body needs for cellular health and disease prevention.  Osteoporosis, gout, varicose veins, high blood-pressure, muscle cramps, herpes, arthritis, and psoriasis are just a few of the diseases that salt relieves and keeps you from developing.

Much of the food you eat already has a salt content.  If you eat processed food from cans, bags, or boxes, then the salt content is even higher.  Most of the beverages you drink including some waters have salt in them as well.  So, getting salt into the body has never really been an issue for most people.

Here's the problem...

The salt you are getting into your body is not REAL salt.  Now let me tell you what I mean.

You go to a restaurant and order something that has the ingredient salt, or you go to the store and buy yourself a big box of Morton Salt.  Maybe you go and buy a Coke, Pepsi, or some other soft drink with salt in it.  Did you know that the salt used is completely fake? 

Sodium Chloride or table salt as most commonly known, is something that is completely manufactured and does not come in the form nature intended.  It is processed, heated, stripped of all its mineral content, and then loaded with toxic chemicals such aluminum silicate.  It causes high blood-pressure, hormonal in-balances, heavy metal toxicity, and a whole host of other diseases and problems.  It is no wonder why people then put it in glass shakers and sprinkle it over their food.

Salt comes in this crack, cocaine form simply because it is easier and CHEAPER to mass produce and sell.  That's it!  It's all a matter of MONEY!
The people selling this salt are just like the drug dealer selling crack. They don't care about your health, they only care about the MONEY!

So what is the solution? 

Don't eat anything that comes out of an aluminum or tin can.  The food inside the can is loaded with manufactured salt and poisonous anyways, don't eat it!

Choose wisely when eating anything out of a box or bag, with RARE exception, for the contents are usually loaded with toxic chemicals, salt, and other fillers you body does not need.

Stay away from carbonated beverages and water with added minerals or sodium.

Most importantly, STOP PUTTING SALT ON EVERYTHING YOU EAT! Tell the chef to hold the salt.  Stop using the salt shaker, And stop, STOP buying that Morton salt crap at the store.

And finally, start using REAL SALT!  Just to give you an idea of what I mean, the purest salt that I know of comes from the Himalayan mountains. Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is a raw, organic, REAL salt that is loaded with minerals.  This is the salt you want to use in your diet.  This is the salt that will regulated your blood-pressure, fuel your body and mind, detoxify you, and help cure you of illness and disease.

Making this simple diet change will have dramatic benefits to your overall health and emotional well-being.  

This is a salt 250 million years in the making.  Hand harvested from the salt mines of the Himalayan Mountains, this is the purest, finest salt you can buy.